
Job Shop Software For Streamlining Custom, Low-Volume Operations

Learn how StartProto can position your job shop for long-term success.

Running a small machine shop comes with unique challenges. It can be a low-volume, custom-order-dominated environment. New information is continuously flying left and right between your production planning and scheduling team and the operators on the machine shop floor. Efficient management of resources, orders, inventory control, and job shop production planning will be crucial for success.

Finding the right Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a natural next step. An ERP can offer small manufacturers and job shop owners a powerful tool for streamlining machine shop operations, improving production planning and inventory management, and identifying opportunities to enhance profit margins throughout transport operations and the entire supply chain.

We designed StartProto to be the ideal, comprehensive web-based job shop software for owners and engineering companies. Read on to explore the features that make StartProto the preferred choice among cloud-based ERP systems for busy owners seeking machine shop efficiency, flexibility, and user-friendliness.

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production environment ready for quality control with startproto, shop management

What Is Job Shop Software?

Job shop ERP software is an enterprise resource planning solution specifically designed for the unique workflows and team environment of job-based manufacturers. Job operations are manufacturing businesses that produce custom or low-volume products, often with complex or unique specifications.

The primary focus of job shop management software is to streamline and manage the entire production process for individual jobs or projects.

A comprehensive cloud-based system will help the shop to track and manage their resources, materials, labor, and schedules more effectively than spreadsheets or a manual, paper-based process. Here are some key features and functionalities commonly found in these kinds of job shop systems:

  1. Estimating and Quoting

Job shop software helps estimate costs for custom jobs more accurately, including considerations for materials, labor, machine time, and overhead expenses. Along with business intelligence, it enables businesses to generate precise, data-driven estimates and quotes, taking the guesswork out of your profitability and keeping you competitive.

  1. Job Scheduling and Planning

Modern job shop scheduling software allows you to create and keep job costing and manage production schedules for each job. Improvements in job shop production planning will lead to better allocation of resources and more timely completion of projects. This feature also provides more immediate visibility into actual production on the shop floor for prompt communication and feedback about job status.

  1. Inventory Management

Shops often deal with a diverse range of materials and components. Purpose-built job shop inventory management systems help to track and control material availability, ensuring that the required raw materials are available when needed. It minimizes stockouts, reduces excess inventory, and optimizes the use of resources for better overall inventory control and management.

manufacturing execution system for inventory, supply chain in the cloud with startproto
  1. Shop Floor Control

This software also provides tools for monitoring and controlling all shop floor activities. It helps capture real-time data on job progress, machine utilization, labor hours, and quality control. These insights enable better decision-making, enhance productivity, and ensure adherence to quality standards.

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Job shop software often includes CRM capabilities to better manage customer interactions, track customer orders, and maintain customer information. It helps businesses provide improved customer service and manage long-term relationships for sustainable growth of the business.

  1. Reporting and Analytics

Comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities in job shop software enable businesses to leverage insights that will drive growth and optimize processes. It also provides a centralized platform to store a repository of all business information, allowing small manufacturers and businesses to more effectively track and handle complex relationships and diverse job types.

Introducing StartProto:

StartProto is a user-friendly and cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution designed specifically to be used as job shop software. It offers essential features like:

  • Order management
  • Inventory management and tracking
  • Supply chain management reports
  • Planning and scheduling
  • Task assignment for production processes
  • Accounting integration

StartProto's intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and understand, even for those with limited technical expertise. Additionally, it provides real-time data updates, allowing you to make informed decisions on the fly. See how it helped Werner Machine in the video case study below:

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Tailored for Job Shops

StartProto's machine shop management software is specifically designed for:

  • Machine shops
  • Job-based workflows
  • Small to medium manufacturing companies
  • Contract manufacturers
  • Prototyping and test assembly operations
  • Producers of custom and specialty parts

Unlike more generic ERP solutions, StartProto offers features and functionalities that are relevant and essential for job operations. You can access the complete enterprise resource planning power you need without unnecessary added layers of complexity or features that are irrelevant to your workflow.

improve supply chain management and manufacturing process with startproto

Intuitive User Interface

The user-friendly interface is a standout feature, allowing even those with limited technical expertise to navigate and utilize the software effectively. With StartProto, job shop owners can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on extensive training or complex onboarding manual processes alone. The simplicity of the interface ensures a seamless transition and quicker adoption by the team.

Real-time Data Updates

In the fast-paced world of job shop management, real-time data is crucial for making informed decisions. StartProto offers real-time updates so that owners and managers receive prompt, accurate information on orders, inventory levels, production progress, and more. The ability to access up-to-date data on the fly improves overall visibility and transparency within the organization and supply chain.

material tracking, serial number tracking for complete control and material planning


Compared to many ERP systems and job shop solutions, StartProto offers a uniquely competitive pricing structure. Cost-effective solutions are an attractive choice for small and medium-sized job shops with budget constraints. An investment in the StartProto platform allows owners to save money in the long run, as the software drives efficiency and can create process improvements in the shop.

Seamless Integration and Scalability

StartProto is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing systems and software, ensuring a smooth implementation process. This compatibility allows job shop owners to maintain their current workflows while leveraging the power of StartProto to enhance their operations. Furthermore, StartProto offers scalability, accommodating the growth of right job shop software operations over time. As your business expands, StartProto can easily adapt and scale to meet your evolving needs.


StartProto: The Best Job Shop Software for Small Businesses

When it comes to selecting the best job shop system for your business, StartProto delivers. Leverage the specialized features, easy to use system, intuitive user interface, real-time data updates, cost-effectiveness, and seamless integration tailored to the unique requirements of job shop owners and streamline your manufacturing operations.

maximize productivity with startproto's cloud based modular solution for your machine shop

By choosing StartProto, you can optimize your job shop production planning and position your shop for long-term success in a competitive industry.

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